Monday, April 9, 2012

Cheap Deals on Green Star GS-1000 Juice Extractor

Cheap Deals On Green Star GS-1000 Juice Extractor

Best price for Cheap Deals On Green Star GS-1000 Juice Extractor. The only juicer you’ll ever need! For juicing fruits and vegetables of virtually every description, The Green Star Juice Extractor has no rival. From hard roots (carrots, ginger) to fibrous stalks (celery, rhubarb) to even the toughest leafy greens (kale, wheat grass), nothing is better at unleashing every drop of nutrition from fresh produce to boost your health, energy and overall sense of well-being. All models contain everything you’ll need for easy juici... ... » Learn more about Green Star GS-1000 Juice Extractor.

Review for Green Star GS-1000 Juice Extractor.Green Life juicers are about the only models recommended by my nutritionist. He shuns centrifugal juicers that use air in the extraction process, which he says leads to oxidation. Instead, the Green Star has a "close-case-crush-press" system, which crushes your food between two counter-rotating steel gears. You're left with juice that zings.But nice has a price. My biggest let-down with this juicer was finding out that it doesn't go through veggies as fast as ... ... » Read more about Cheap Deals On Green Star GS-1000 Juice Extractor at

Cheap Deals On Green Star GS-1000 Juice Extractor » Check for discount price.

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